
Making Friends with Feelings

Mindfulness tools for dealing with emotions   As a younger woman I was challenged to be with emotions in a healthy way. I vasillated between not feeling any emotion – either positive or negative – residing mostly in my mind; and finding myself drowning in stormy...

Physical Healing Meditation

A deeply relaxing and healing meditation track for helping heal and soothe your physical body. Use when you are unwell, in pain or suffering with sickness. Supports the parasympathetic nervous system to come online, which helps the body to engage its healing...

Acceptance Meditation

Present moment awareness and acceptance of what is. To be present, body, mind and heart is a liberating experience of Now, that cannot be achieved by rejecting or hiding away from our current embodied experience. Only when we accept the fullness of our experience,...

Mini Manifesting Meditation

This short meditation offers the inner doorway enabling you to access the power and grace of your energy chakra system – power up your manifesting goals & intentions from the inside-out! A great meditation to start your day with.